You will probably immediately notice that the cover of this new children’s book is vastly different from the previous ones, being “The Eternal Author’s Mysterious Story” and “The Perfect Home“.
Having both my sons on holidays, they were constantly commenting on the work I was doing on my laptop (while they worked on theirs). My eldest, Kenyon, said my books (particularly the covers) were looking too ‘Sunday Schoolish’. He said, they needed a different look – more like a normal children’s book.
So, getting rather frustrated with my inability to draw/paint people in watercolours, I went online and looked at some children’s books. I noticed that many used very easy to create illustrations – which I already had the skills to do. The result is that “The Disastrous Decision” has a very different look – with new illustrations, created by me.
However, the theme of the story is still inline with Vaughan Roberts, God’s Big Picture – unit 2 The Perished Kingdom. For some reason, I think that the word ‘polluted’ is more understandable to us Australians. The concept and subject of pollution is constantly in our newspapers, and the theological understanding that our world has been ‘contaminated by the harmful and poisonous virus of sin’ makes polluted an appropriate word choice.
The opening story was inspired by another story I had heard earlier. It opens with two children disobeying the instructions given to them. A disastrous decision means they must learn to live with the consequences.

Timmy and Phoebe play
with Create-a-Creature, but
make a disastrous decision.
The inside story, tells the story of the fall, from the Eternal King’s perspective. Although it is a relatively easy story to transliterate, I was desiring to bring out the main points which Vaughan highlights:

The Eternal King retells
a page from his story of his
human family, stained with
The story needed to include the serpent, introducing a new character. Instead of retelling the story word-for-word, I focused on the serpent’s temptation revolving around freedom – deceiving the humans into wanting to determining good from evil themselves, without the King.

The glistening creature with a fully grown
seed of pride.

With the seed of pride
lodged in their hearts, the
first humans were cast out
into a polluted world.
Then I ended the story with the restitution. Timmy and Phoebe realise that an important element of life is living with the consequences of our disastrous decisions, to learn how to make wise decisions in the future.

Learning from the consequences,
help us how to make wise decisions.
Download The Disastrous Decision now from my product page.