So, I wanted to teach myself Narrative Preaching – and I was about to commence at a new church community.
Where do I begin?
I wondered how many of my elderly parishioners had heard the greatest story ever to be told. I thought, after years of following the liturgical calendar (which, by the way, retells God’s story each year), it may be that God’s overarching story may have been forgotten – or atleast, stored in a forgotten part of the mind.
So … I decided to preach God’s Big Story – after all, many people had done that before so I had lots of resources upon which to draw.
Finally, as I was cruising the internet, looking for how to divide God’s overarching Bible story into segments for preaching, I landed upon,
God’s Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts – Hallelujah! A video and Bible study course, divided into 9 units – all for free! What a find!
But, I wanted to weave God’s Story into my preaching – and use children’s stories as a teaching tool. Hmm … there was certainly no shortage of Bible-related, moral-forming children’s books to choose from.
But …. I love drawing, I love writing, I love making up stories …

Why don’t I have a go at writing short little stories, which I can structure around my message theme, and have a go at illustrating the images – just why not!
And so … Little Books of Blessing was started!