2020 will be a good year!
The past year brought the realisation that it was time to move from school chaplaincy into a more mission-focused ministry. The process of studying my Masters of Missional Leadership at Morling College, Sydney brought with it a passion to engage in vital, engaging mission-focused ministry.
And so, this year, I will be ministering with the SouthLakes Anglican community as we transition towards serving and bringing the good news about Jesus to the community at Morisset, Dora Creek and Coorangbong, and beyond.
I have also decided to take a new approach in my preaching style. Over the course of last year I read many very informative books on Storytelling, Narrative Preaching and how to use stories as a vehicle for evangelism and Gospel ministry. The following are some of the books I have found extremely helpful:
Telling the Gospel Through Story,
Evangelism that keeps hearers wanting more – by Christine Dillon
The Homiletical Plot,
The Sermon as Narrative Art Form – by Eugene Lowry
Telling God’s Story
Narrative Preaching for Christian formation – John W. Wright
So … let’s dive in and learn Narrative preaching and see what stories can do!